‘A Values School - Aspiration, Kindness and Hope for the Future.’
Welcome to Beech!
Year 1
When the children join Year 1 they initially continue to access an Early Years play based curriculum alongside their Year 1 learning to ensure that they have a smooth transition to a more formal learning environment. Before the end of Autumn 1 children are accessing a range of lessons taught by different members of the Year 1 team.
In Year 1 the children continue through the Jolly Phonics programme and take spellings home each week from Autumn 2, we also start to introduce cursive handwriting for some graphemes.
We promote independent thinking and learning skills through our topic based curriculum. Each topic includes a range of motivating learning activities that make creative links between all aspects of the children’s learning and interests. Children are encouraged to use their learning to apply themselves creatively and express their knowledge and understanding.
Our current topics are:
Autumn 1: 1, 2, 3…All About Me!
Autumn 2: Bright Lights, Big City
Spring 1: Rio da Vida
Spring 2: Enchanted Woodland
Summer 1: Superheroes
Summer 2: Dinosaur Planet
We also enjoy participating in Key Stage 1 sports festivals, singing in the local Church for Harvest Festival and singing to the school and parents in the Spring term. To further enhance the children’s learning we also welcome a range of visitors into school, organise Forest School activities and visit Milton Keynes Museum at the end of the Summer Term.
Children receive a piece of fruit daily, which they eat at playtime.
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