‘A Values School - Aspiration, Kindness and Hope for the Future.’
Year 3 is an exciting and fun-filled year of learning. Now that the children are in Key Stage 2, they become more independent throughout the year and get the opportunity to explore a vast and engaging curriculum. We like to take the children’s learning outdoors as we take part in a range of forest school activities as well as using our superb grounds for Maths, English and Art tasks.
Throughout the year, the children experience a wide range of topics from our Cornerstones curriculum. These topics can take us on trips to the past as we see what it’s like to live in the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age era and later in the year we get to visit the Bucks County Museum for our Roald Dahl topic!
The children will develop their problem solving skills as well as their levels of independence, particularly when undertaking ‘Innovate’ tasks at the end of each topic. Here, they will apply skills that they have picked up throughout the half-term. These are fantastic opportunities to encourage teamwork and discussion between groups of children.
Children will travel back to the Ancient Greek era and try to satisfy the demanding, mighty Zeus by creating our own Pandora's Boxes. Will he accept you into Mount Olympus and allow you to become a deity?
Within these ‘Innovate’ sessions, the children will have the opportunity to design a friend for the Iron Man, make the ‘Ultimate Predator’ or come up with their own smoothie creations. These creations are shared with other children in the school, among classmates or parents are often invited in to look at children’s work.
Throughout the year, these are topics that we will cover:
Autumn 1 - Predators
Autumn 2 - Tribal Tales
Spring 1 - Mighty Metals
Spring 2 - Tremors
Summer 1 - Gods and Mortals (Ancient Greeks)
Summer 2 - Scrummdiddlyumptious
The children may bring a piece of fruit into school, for their mid-morning snack.