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Marston Moreteyne VC School

‘A Values School - Aspiration, Kindness and Hope for the Future.’

Nut Free School Zone
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Marston Moreteyne VC School

‘A Values School - Aspiration, Kindness and Hope for the Future.’

Nut Free School Zone

Other websites - useful links for parents & carers

If you are a parent or carer, we hope you will find the web links below useful.

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What is Occupational Therapy?


Occupational therapy improves health and well-being by enabling people to participate in activities of daily living that are important to them.


The Luton and Bedfordshire Paediatric Occupational Therapist service support children and young people to engage and participate as fully as possible in childhood occupations (activities) such as:


•           Play

•           Eating

•           Self-care e.g. washing, cleaning your teeth, toileting

•           Dressing

•           School and life skills e.g. writing and alternatives to recording information and using scissors.

•           Managing at school e.g. getting around the class / school, supportive seating, specialist toilet seats

•           Hobbies and leisure activities.


We see children and young people:


•           Aged up to 18 years old or 19 for a child with SEND if in fulltime education

•           With a Luton or Bedfordshire GP

•           Present with functional difficulties that are not in line with their overall developmental abilities (this includes academic attainment levels).


Our approach is based on supporting parents/carers and schools to be aware of sensory processing difficulties and how to adapt the things around the child, such as the environment, the child’s activities and our expectations and responses. We cannot change the sensory experiences of children but would aim to increase participation and help you manage the impact of these at home and in the classroom.


Where can I go for more information?

You can find all our contact details, and information on referring to our service on our website page:

