‘A Values School - Aspiration, Kindness and Hope for the Future.’
Ensuring regular attendance at school is a parent/carer’s legal responsibility (Section 7 Education Act 1996) and permitting absence from school that is not authorised by the school creates an offence in law.
What should I do if my child is unwell?
Not all illnesses need children to stay away from school!
If your child has started the day saying they don’t feel well, and have not been sick or shown a temperature, please bring them in! Sometimes the illness is related to a worry about something else, and we are better able to support your child if they come in and we can talk to them and reassure them.
We will always contact you if your child becomes unwell during the day!
If you are unsure whether or not to keep your child off from school, please telephone us for advice.
First day of illness
Contact us by phone as soon as possible and tell us why. 01234 768271
Second day onwards
What if my child has sickness and diarrhoea?
What if my child has an illness and I am not sure if it is contagious?
If your child is absent and we haven’t heard from you we will telephone or email you because we have a duty to ensure your child’s safety as well as their regular school attendance. Please help us by making sure we have your most up-to-date contact numbers. Medical appointments. Please let us know if your child has a medical appointment and needs to be taken out of school. We may ask for a copy of the appointment letter.
Ensuring regular attendance at school is a parent/carer’s legal responsibility (Section 7 Education Act 1996) and permitting absence from school that is not authorised by the school creates an offence in law.
We request that parents:
It is important to be on time at the start of the morning and afternoon lessons. The start of school is used to give out instructions or organise work. If children are late they can miss time with their class teacher getting vital information, cause disruption to the lesson for others, and it can be embarrassing leading to possible further absence.